Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Hawaiian Chieftain

Hawaiian Chieftain is the name of a sailing vessel briefly known as the Spirit of Larinda. The vessel was built in Lahaina, Hawaii 1988. The Boat has class for high school students so they can do a semester at sea.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Lady Washington

The original Lady Washington was a 90-ton merchant sloop.She became the first American vessel to reach the island of Japan in an unsuccessful attempt to move some unsold rabbit pelts.She was pared up with the other tall ship named the Hawaiian Chieftain.The Lady was rebuild in 1989 in Aberdeen, WA. She has starred in several movies like Star Trek Generations as the brig Enterprise and played as the HMSInterceptor in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. She also provided the basis for the RLS Legacy in the Disney animated feature Treasure Plant.

How many website are there on the internet

The number of websites on the internet in march 2008 was......161,311,984!! The top 3 Websites in the world are 1.Goole
The top three users of the Internet are 1. Asia
2. Europe
3. North America

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Interviews

Our group was split into 3 groups to go interveiw people in zeum, In the park and on the street. Our group with Pablo, Janet and Rogelio had a pretty interesting time while we were outside. We we're disted by 8 people in a row and we were so happy to get someone to interveiw.

My neighborhood

I live in the outer Mission. It is a very nice area. But there are a couple things I would change, Like on the long street Alemany Blvd., cars just pass like it is freeway. A couple of people a year get hit by the cars near my house. There are a lot of dogs and people in my neighborhood. My neighborhood usually smells like dogs because of all the dogs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Long Hair

When I was About 4 or 5 My hair was down to the end of my back. Evevyone thought I was a girl. everybody that was walking on the same street i was walking on just had to look at me. Until one day when i was walking with my mom and we past by a coffe shop. There were some tables out side of the coffe shop and to women were sitting at one of the tables. I walk past the table where the two ladys were sitting at and one of the ladys said " Oh, isn't SHE so cute!" I immediateiy turn around and said " THAT SHE IS A HE!"